Neglect and Motivation

Well, so happy new year twelve days later!  I don’t really have much of a post today, but wanted to share a link for any short story writers out there…

Writer’s Digest is having a short story competition.  If you are interested in finding out more, click here. But hurry if you want to participate…the deadline is this Friday!

I’m working to finish mine before Friday.  It’s kind of break from not working on my novel.  Why would I need a break from NOT writing? I guess it’s more of a break from stressing about not writing my novel. Poor lonely, neglected novel.  I hope to be a better writer and stop hurting its feelings and go back to it soon.  I’ve read a million (perhaps an exaggeration, but only by a hundred thousand or so) quotes and tips on how you just need to write…that there is no waiting for the right moment, the right mood, the right time.  I believe it, I’ve just yet to put it into practice.  But like it or not, come February, I will be back at it, because my lovely friend Michael Walker and I have an agreement that will start back up where both of us will commit to writing 1,000 words each week towards our novels.  Here’s hoping the buddy system works in writing as well as it does on field trips and working out!

And in the event the buddy system fails, this is my backup plan:

Kodi disapproving

Okay, okay, Kodi, I’ll write my novel!  There’s no way I could hold up under that kind of a disapproving stare.  Feel free to borrow it if you’ve been slacking on anything 🙂

16 thoughts on “Neglect and Motivation

  1. That seems like a reasonable goal, 1000 words a week. Wouldn’t it be great if all thousand could be awe-inspiring?
    Love the look on Kodi’s face!


  2. Just remember, writing is still writing, so if you take a break to work on a new story, that can only serve to help your novel. It keeps you writing, it staves off “writing rust,” and it gives you a bit of distance from your novel so you can return fresh. Good luck!


  3. Right on…and Write on! You can do it. If we’re doling out recommendations, try to make a schedule. I find that writing on a schedule helps me to continue writing my insanity. “Nope, can’t watch another episode of Buffy for the dozenth time, I have to write a post about a zit I got on my nipple this one time that made me dream about lactation. It’s important!”


    • Hmmm. That’s a good question, Blue! I find it interesting that you say ‘need’ rather than ‘want’. I think it will make a good blog post! Look for the answer, soon (have another blog post that is coming out soon, first).


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